Swedish MP Björn Söder proposes visa-free travel for Armenians


Swedish MP Björn Söder has proposed that the Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billström initiate a process aimed at granting Armenian residents visa-free travel to the European Union (EU). Söder has argued that Armenia has made significant progress in improving its economic and political situation, and that visa-free travel to the EU would be an important step towards further integration with Europe.

It is worth noting that visa-free travel to the EU is a complex process that involves meeting a set of criteria and requirements related to security, economic stability, human rights, and other factors. The EU has a visa liberalization policy in place for certain countries, but each case is evaluated on an individual basis, and the decision is made by the EU as a whole, rather than individual member states.

Currently, Armenia is not on the list of countries whose citizens can enter the EU without a visa. However, Armenia has been negotiating a visa liberalization agreement with the EU since 2017, which includes a set of reforms and measures that need to be implemented by Armenia to meet the EU’s requirements.